Can I plant Cucumbers and Watermelons in the same garden? - google monitor lazy
We have just built a good part of our garden and my mother wants to start growing his own garden fruits and vegetables. Well, we know that there are certain things that can be planted together (I suppose) and do not know the melons and cucumbers. Can the garden without it tastes like to be planted elsewhere, or roots, to support the other roots? I went on Google and some questions, but I'm too lazy to answer me put my head on the screen, so I decided to ask here too. What should I do?
Keeping them apart and try cucumbers on a trellis, no matter what. It grows on a trellis cucumbers reserves the right, and easy to see and choose.
Yes, you can plant in the garden, but they keep! or end with cucumelons or waterumbers! I planted on one side and the other on the opposite side. Good Gardening.
Yes you can, when the plants need the same amount of water
Plant them as far as possible, so that cross-pollination of melons DOWN show in the same way CUCUMBER
I planted side by side in the last 4 years and had no problem. A good book for gardeners: The secrets of the plantation companies, carrots, tomatoes, Love & Roses Love Garlic
Yes, you can, both in the garden, plant, plant, only about 2 meters.
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